“Degree in the environmental field” Acceptable to the General Council:


Currently, for membership qualifications, the General Council of HKIQEP recognizes all undergraduate (UG) Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) and Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) degrees offered by any University Grants Committee (UGC) funded university as an “acceptable” degree in the environmental field.

Holders of other degrees (including non-BSc, non-BEng, or degrees from non-UGC funded institutions) are advised to provide their academic transcript to qualification@hkiqep.org.hk if they want to find out whether their degree would be considered acceptable to the General Council as a degree in the environmental field.

Accreditation of Undergraduate Degrees in the Environmental Field

Shortly after the establishment of HKIQEP in 2015, the General Council (previously known as the Board of Directors) agreed that, for membership qualification purposes, all B.Sc. and B.Eng. degrees from UGC-funded universities would be considered acceptable degrees in the environmental field.

The General Council also decided that a UG accreditation process should be introduced to establish criteria for the acceptable environmental degree for HKIQEP.  An accreditation system was subsequently established in 2020.  By 2024, five UG degree programs had been accredited by HKIQEP.


As the HKIQEP UG Accreditation System matures, the General Council is considering revising its definition of an acceptable environmental degree, potentially limiting the definition to only those UG degree programs that have been accredited.

Any such change, if implemented, will be announced in advance to ensure UG programs interested in accreditation have time to apply. Such changes would only affect students entering their degree programs AFTER the transition date. Students enrolling BEFORE the transition would remain unaffected.


The current list of HKIQEP Accredited UG programmes can be found at https://hkiqep.org/accredited-programmes/

Enquiries: qualification@hkiqep.org.hk