• Calling for Mentees for the HKIQEP Graduate Environmental Mentoring Scheme (GEMS) Dear HKIQEP Friends, On behalf of the Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals Limited (HKIQEP), we would like…

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  • The GEMS Mentors & Mentees Briefing Session was successfully held on 28 September 2020. Our Mentors and Mentees joined this informative briefing and we received a lot of positive feedback from them.   Since the main objective of the GEMS is to support mentees in developing their environmental knowledge and skills with reference to the rubric requirements for becoming a Qualified Environmental Professional, we are pleased to announce that all HKIQEP Associate Members are welcome to join as mentees, whether or not you are a GES participant. Please send us an email or register through this link if you are interested, https://form.jotform.com/HKIQEP/mentee-registration-for-GEMS.   Last but not least, we would like to express our sincere thanks to Mr Wong Kam Sing and Dr Ir the Hon Wk Lo for their continuous and invaluable support to GES and GEMS.   Our next GEMS event is the Technical Visit in coming December. Stay tuned!   Sharing of the Briefing Session Materials and the Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYOLXU3LgqY Presentation: https://hkiqep.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/GEMS-Mentor-Mentee-Briefing-PPT-rev.pdf   For all interested parties, please refer to the below links for more information. Latest information on GEMS: https://hkiqep.org/gems-news/ Mentee Registration: https://form.jotform.com/HKIQEP/mentee-registration-for-GEMS Mentor Registration: Email to development@hkiqep.org Enquiry: Email to development@hkiqep.org

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  • *** Event Recap: Please click here *** *** Presentation material sharing: Please click here *** Dear GEMS potential Mentors and Mentees,   To welcome the Graduate Environmental Mentoring Scheme (GEMS), we would like to invite you attend the Briefing Session for our GEMS Mentors and Mentees on 28 September 2020 (Monday). The GEMS delivered by HKIQEP aims to facilitate the progressive development of environmental graduates and response to the Environment Bureau’s initiative under the Green Employment Scheme. GEMS connects the graduates and the environmental industry professionals, providing opportunities to share experience and knowledge. When Green Employment Scheme recipients participate the GEMS, the recipients will receive voluntary personal mentorship by HKIQEP Professional Members or Fellows and guidance on the compilation of log books that document their environmental experiences and outcomes gained through the on-the -job training.   Event Details Date : 28 September 2020 (Monday) Time : 18:00 – 19:00 Venue : Zoom Language : English Registration : https://form.jotform.com/HKIQEP/GEMS-Mentors-and-Mentees-Briefing   Rundown Introduction of GEMS, programme goals and participants roles Overall expectation of and involvement from mentors/mentees Mentoring process and best practices Tentative activity plan Programme support and feedback channel   Benefits of Joining GEMS Individual Organization ‧ Gain a better understanding of the Environmental industry‧ Building a foundation for pursuing a professional environmental qualification ‧ Enhance career potential ‧ Greater employment of work ‧ Personal and professional growth ‧ Support fresh graduate training ‧ Nurture future leaders ‧ Create values through partnership with HKIQEP ‧ Reinforce corporate culture and CSR ‧ Employer of choice in the market   Look forward to meeting you on that day!          

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  • Calling for Mentees for the HKIQEP Graduate Environmental Mentoring Scheme (GEMS) Dear HKIQEP Friends, On behalf of the Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals Limited (HKIQEP), we would like to call for 2019 or 2020 fresh graduates employed through the “Green Employment Scheme: Graduate Subsidy Programme” under the Environment Bureau, to be Mentees under our Graduate Environmental Mentoring Scheme (GEMS). The GEMS will provide to Green Employment Scheme recipients, free of charge: voluntary personal mentorship by HKIQEP Professional Members or Fellows during the period they receive subsidy from the Government (up to a maximum of 18 months); and guidance on the compilation of logbooks that document their environmental experiences and outcomes gained through the on-the-job training under the Green Employment Scheme with reference to the Professional Assessment (Part II) covered by the HKIQEP Qualification Process. The complexity of our environmental problems implies a great need for well-rounded on-the-job training for our environmental graduates. By providing mentorship, networking and guidance through GEMS, HKIQEP hopes to ride on the government’s financial support to help jump-start and guide the fresh graduates through the Government Subsidy Scheme towards a successful and meaningful environmental career. If you or your friends are GES participants and interested to join the GEMS programme, please complete the online enrollment form through https://form.jotform.com/HKIQEP/mentee-registration-for-GEMS. Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at development@hkiqep.org or by calling (852) 6898 1507. Thank you for your kind attention and for your ongoing support of the HKIQEP.   Your sincerely,   Dr. Jeanne Ng Chairman Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals Limited (HKIQEP) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ANNEX A: GEMS Tentative Program 2020-2021 Tentative Date Milestone Activity September 2020 Online Mentor/Mentee Briefing December 2020 Technical Visit (EIA/green building project/etc.) April 2021 Mentor-Mentee Event cum Career Talk August 2021 Introduction to EGTS and HKIQEP Qualification Process December 2021 Soft Skills Training (job hunting, interview preparation and tips) March 2022 Graduation Ceremony   Note Exact dates and detail will be distributed to confirmed Mentors and Mentees. Other voluntary training & development activities will be announced nearer the time.  

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  • Thank you PRC Magazine for reporting the Graduate Environmental Mentoring Scheme (GEMS). GEMS connects the graduates and the environmental industry professionals, providing opportunities to share experience and knowledge. For full article,…

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  • Thank you 你好o野 for inviting HKIQEP-Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals Ltd to talk more about environmental jobs and how the Graduate Environmental Mentoring Scheme (GEMS) could help…

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  • Graduate Environmental Mentoring Scheme (GEMS) The HKIQEP – Graduate Environmental Mentoring Scheme (GEMS) is now launched to facilitate the continuous development of environmental graduates and response to the…

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  • 「環境畢業生啟導計劃」 (GEMS) 為了推動環境畢業生追求持續專業發展及響應環境局的「綠色就業計劃」,香港環專會推出「環境畢業生啟導計劃」(GEMS) 。此計劃聯繫年輕的畢業生及業內前輩,提供分享經驗和傳承知識的機會。 在2020年7月9日舉行的GEMS 啟動儀式上,主禮嘉賓環境局副局長謝展寰先生, BBS, JP就香港環專會在推動環保專業化及支持環境畢業生所作出的努力,作出嘉許。 我們的榮譽顧問盧偉國議員博士工程師, SBS, MH, JP和超過一百名來自不同行業的企業代表,包括地產發展商、工程公司、顧問公司、公用事業機構、法定組織和學者亦出席此啟動儀式,共同見證GEMS正式推出。 香港環專會主席吳芷茵博士於啟動儀式上致歡迎辭時表示:「環保專才的需求與日俱增。環專會一直致力提供人才,以更多元化、環保及具抗禦力的方式支持香港從新冠肺炎疫情中復甦及恢復經濟增長。」她補充,GEMS能夠幫助畢業生為發展專業奠下穩固基礎,以培育年輕人才,從而應對行業的長遠需求。 在此,再一次衷心感謝各位對環專會的支持。有關計劃詳情,將於稍後公佈。 有關香港環專會: 香港合資格環保專業人員學會有限公司 (香港環專會)於2015年成立,由來自不同企業,公私營界別,學術界及環保專業機構的專責人士組成,旨在維護香港於環境管理方面作為國際領導者的聲譽和地位,並確保香港在環保領域的作業質素,致力把香港發展成區內培育合資格環保專才的卓越中心。 環專會詳情:https://hkiqep.org/ 行業協會夥伴: 香港水務及環境管理學會 香港環境管理協會 香港環境影響評估學會 香港環境保護主任協會 香港聲學學會 截至2020年7月9日為止支持GEMS的企業及機構(以英文字母順序排列): AEC Ltd. 艾奕康有限公司 沛然環保顧問有限公司 深明顧問有限公司 聯誼工程有限公司 安樂工程集團有限公司 阿特金斯顧問有限公司 彼安托香港有限公司 商界環保協會有限公司 思匯政策研究所 中電集團 正昌環保科技﹙集團﹚有限公司 香港環境資源管理顧問有限公司 金門建築有限公司 香港生產力促進局 邁進基建環保工程顧問有限公司 香港鐵路有限公司 ODEN Systems PJ Sustainability Consulting Ltd 英環香港有限公司 蘇伊士新創建有限公司 香港機場管理局 香港電燈有限公司 香港工程師學會 香港賽馬會 Wealth of Flows Consulting Ltd 科進顧問(亞洲)有限公司 相片一: 環境局副局長謝展寰先生,…

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  • *** Event Recap: https://youtu.be/zFEuMvHKCMc *** The Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals Limited (HKIQEP) welcomes the HKSAR Government Environment Bureau’s…

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  • Dear HKIQEP members, In June 2020, the Environment Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Governmentannounced a Green Employment Scheme to subsidize over 200 of this year’s graduates to start a career in the environmental profession. In support of this initiative, HKIQEP will launch the Graduate Environmental Mentoring Scheme (GEMS) to facilitate the progressive development of environmental graduates receiving this subsidy from the Government. The GEMS will provide to Green Employment Scheme recipients, free of charge: voluntary personal mentorship by HKIQEP Professional Members or Fellows during the period they receive subsidy from the Government; and guidance on the compilation of log books that document their environmental experiences and outcomes gained through the on-the-job training under the Green Employment Scheme with reference to the Professional Assessment (Part II) covered by the HKIQEP Qualification Process.   We would like to call for volunteers amongst our Professional and Fellow members, to be a GEMS Mentor for the duration of the HKSAR Government’s 18-month Green Employment Scheme. As a GEMS Mentor, your commitments will revolve around: mentoring the Mentee, with no less than one 1-hour meeting/call per month; advising the Mentee to attend GEMS-related training and events as is/when appropriate; and ensuring truthful presentation of the outcomes in the GEMS logbook. The benefits of being a GEMS Mentor include: your mentoring time being counted as CPD credits; and your GEMS mentoring experience counting as part of your ‘contribution towards the local environmental industry’, which is a mandatory requirement for Fellow Membership application. The positive impact that a Mentor can have when contributing to the personal and professional development of a fresh graduate in the environmental industry is invaluable and can be a very meaningful and sometimes life-changing experience for both the Mentor as well as the Mentee. If you are an HKIQEP Professional Member or Founding Fellow interested in becoming a GEMS Mentor, please register your interest with us by email at development@hkiqep.org or by calling (852) 6898 1507. Thank you for your kind attention and for your ongoing support of the HKIQEP and contributions to the local environmental industry. Your sincerely Dr. Jeanne Ng

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